Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Home Corned Beef

1/2 c kosher salt
1 T black peppercorns, cracked
2 t ground allspice
1 T dried thyme
1 t paprika
2 bay leaves, crumbled
1 fresh beef brisket (4 to 6 pounds), trimmed of excess fat, patted dry

Mix salt and seasonings in small bowl. Spear brisket about 30 times per side with meat fork or metal skewer. Rub each side evenly with salt mixture; place in 2-gallon-size zipper-lock bag, forcing out as much air as possible.

Place bagged brisket in pan large enough to hold it, cover with second, similar size pan, and weight with two bricks or heavy cans of similar weight. Refrigerate 5 to 7 days, turning bag over once a day. Prior to baking, soak the meat in cold water for a couple of hours, changing water several times.

Use Savu smoker bag to bake brisket for smoked flavor.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I think the best way is to actually have YOU cook it and then come over and eat it. :) You are a very good cook.

  2. Hee hee, thanks for the compliment. I do love to cook but it's always better when I share it with friends. :-)
